Monday, November 4, 2019

Sawahdee!  We've all arrived in Bangkok and are excited to have started the Thailand 2019 APPE! I (as well as Dr. Choi) are thrilled to be sharing this experience with 12 wonderful 4th year pharmacy students : Andrew, AJ, Melissa, Nick, Leshawn, Jon, Jennifer, Tu, Rachel, Emily, Matt and Alesandra. Over the next 4 weeks I encourage to follow us as we travel throughout Thailand to learn more about diseases and treatment for diseases common in Southeast Asia (in addition we'll be visiting temples, learning to cook Thai food, and making time to learn more about the incredible people and culture in Thailand).  Students will be posting almost daily, so check out the blog frequently!

Yesterday we visited the Jim Thompson House & Museum to learn how this American architect and military officer revitalized the hand weaving of silk in Thailand.  We then sampled many delicious, traditional Thai dishes with Noi, our Thailand APPE Coordinator. Today we had APPE orientation then visited the Royal Place and many temples.  Tomorrow we begin experiences at the university faculty!  Students are having a fantastic time. Please view a few photos below and share the experience with us!

Well...challenges uploading photos do to poor WiFi. :-(  I'll post them soon!

Best regards,

Dr. Krebs

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