Sunday, November 24, 2019

Chiang Mai University Presentation

When I came to Thailand for this APPE, we sat through a lot of presentations of different institutes and hospitals. I actually never imagined I would have to give a presentation as well. We were asked by the director to give a presentation to 4th and 5th year pharmacy students to talk about different areas of pharmacy. We split up into groups and each of us decided to give a talk about the possible future routes we would take after graduation.

We split up the groups into Community pharmacy, pursuing a residency, and fellowships/ specialty pharmacy. The presentations were short and it was not a big deal compared to other presentations we had to give while being in school but it was a really cool experience to be speaking in front of a group of students in another country. I was hoping I wasnt speaking too fast and that they understood what I was trying to say. What was really cool was that the director gave us time after the presentations to sit in discussion groups where we all really got the chance to talk to the Thai students. They were all super nice and super hospitable. They asked us a few questions about pharmacy but then we ended up talking like regular people about things like food, and places to see in Chiang Mai. I'm really glad we had the opportunity to do something like this. 

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