Thursday, November 21, 2019

Muay Thai Boxing

Last night, a group of us went out to a small strip in Chiang Mai that has a Muay Thai boxing ring at the end of it. We were told by previous students that we should experience a Thai boxing match if we had the opportunity so we jumped right on it. At first they were asking 400 baht (about $13) for admission, so we went to play pool and darts nearby while we waited for the price to come down.
Two of the Muay Thai boxers from Chiang Mai.

After some time, we went back and talked them down from now 200 baht per person to 150 baht per person (about $5). We got to witness a couple of the Muay Thai boxing matches. Some of the boxers were from other places in the world, for example, one woman was from Germany. It was great to see how sportsmanlike they are here. At the end of the fight the boxers acknowledge each other's performances or sometimes even after each round. It was a fun experience to have while in Chiang Mai!

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